How do we know if we have Type 2 Diabetes? What happened to @DMSabatini. LEVITT: And did you actually do a lot of fights? in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics. Bring everyone together in one space with Microsoft Teams! Peter's current diet can simplified into 3 "rules": Time Restricted Feeding Avoid Sugars, High Fructose Corn Syrup & Junk Food No Restriction on Healthy Starches and Vegetables 1) Time Restricted Feeding At the low end, Peter fasts between 14 - 16 hours each day, and at the high end, he fasts between 20 - 22 hours. Physician. Dr. Peter focuses on the applied science of longevity, the extension of human life, and overall well-being. Most people, when they think of death, think of what we call cardiopulmonary death or what Im calling death-certificate death. But probably 80% of people have actually died one of the other deaths before they die a cardiopulmonary death. The second thing I would say is: really do not consider sunk costs in your career. ATTIA: Ive come a long way since then, Steve. However, theres one disease that underlies all three of these. It also has a significant effect in terms of fat oxidation. Dr. Peter trained for five years at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in general surgery, where he was the recipient of several prestigious awards, including Resident of the Year. Hes spent the last few years being mentored by the top medical scientists and now hosts The Drive, a weekly, deep-dive podcast focusing on maximizing longevity by working on physical, cognitive, and emotional health. Thats the problem that Dr. Peter and other doctors like him are trying to solve. Dr. Peter has an impressive career, but hes an even more impressive person in real life! document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 20122023 PA IP, LLC. If you take a 20-minute afternoon nap, youre not going to get into whats called delta wave sleep. If I just took 20 guys like you and took them from eight hours a night to four hours a night for two weeks and then did these glucose tolerance tests, I could reduce [their] glucose disposal by 50%. Do you recognize that in yourself? To improve sleep, Peter Attia takes phosphatidylserine, magnesium and a supplement called Doc Parsley's Sleep Remedy (a company in which Attia invested), comprising of vitamin D, niacin, magnesium (150 mg), and a blend of tryptophan, GABA, phosphatidylserine, theanine, 5-HTP and melatonin. He remains unbiased and sticks to what the science indicates while also willing to experiment on himself. And when my daughter was born, I ended up getting a type of medical test that had a finding that no one in their mid-thirties should have. LEVITT: So you love your children with a depth that is rare and I admire. And I missed that routine once in four years. Now, all of those diseases have different effects and treatment methods, and over the last several decades, weve learned a lot about preventing and reversing them. Whats the latest we should eat before going to bed? Dr. Attia received his medical degree from the Stanford University School of Medicine and trained for five years at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in general surgery, where he was the recipient of several prestigious awards, including resident of the year. So autophagy is a very important process for preventing cancer. Which is: what are those people who cant quit also incapable of doing on a day to day basis, vis vis their very rigid view of, this is the way to do things versus not. And Im still generally a somewhat rigid person. Dr. Peter says there are four main ways to do it. Our staff also includes Alison Craiglow, Greg Rippin, and Corinne Wallace; our intern is Emma Tyrrell. But something inside said, You dont feel right. So I said, Hey, Mike, I got to call it a day, man. And when I went down to cool down by hitting the speed bag, which is that tiny little round bag that basically has no weight or impact just the impact of hitting that hurt my head so much that I was like, I got to stop.. 2 teaspoons (10 mL) every evening with dinner, providing 1600mg EPA and 1,000mg DHA. So theyve either died a cognitive death which is to say their minds have become so dull that theyre really not able to be the people they wanted to be [or] their body has broken down so much that the things that once gave them so much joy, theyre deprived of or emotionally theyve become depressed. And youll tell me your latest thing. Lets talk a little bit about the difference between lifespan and healthspan because theres a really key distinction between them. Dont just listen to people say stuff you agree with. LEVITT: So youve devoted much of the last 10 years to understanding longevity better and the things that are under control of people in their behaviors. And its a finding that basically predicts early onset of cardiovascular disease, which shouldnt have been a surprise to me because the list of men in my family who have died of cardiovascular disease is pretty long. The latter is just a liquid mixture of them in a slightly different ratio that favors fructose, which makes it a little sweeter. Can you describe how you approached your undergraduate classes at Stanford? And the ability to quit or not quit becomes a very high-water mark to separate those people out. This magnesium features what's called an enteric coating to protect it from premature disintegration. How we are going about medicine the wrong way. And I actually do find this topic interesting. And then I would come home and I had a ritual that I would do 400 pushups every single night in sets of 50s and then go to bed and repeat. And again fortunately, Olivias my oldest and shes 11. LEVITT: So, tell me what are your current feelings towards sugar? According Peter's 2018 AMA Podcast, he takes 2 tablets of SlowMag every morning and 400 mg of Magnesium Oxide by Nature Made at night.. Research has shown that even a small lack of magnesium can prevent the . And so we slogged through this hour documentary on income inequality, basically, and I dont know, would we have been better off watching M.S.T. LEVITT: So tell me about when you were 14 and you wanted to be a professional boxer. But its crazy. By reducing the amount of carbohydrates we consume and by exercising, we reduce the amount of glucose were consuming and increase our muscle so that when we, consume glucose, our bodies have somewhere to put it. He is an ultra-endurance athlete, compulsive self-experimenter, and one of the most fascinating human beings I know. Were you a good fighter? Im actually going to tuck them underneath my lip like chewing tobacco and let it just ease out and keep me going.. Steve, we should have you take the Epworth Sleep Survey. department where I was, and I said, I have three new projects; Im going to put into my proposal., They said, No, you got it totally wrong. I think there [are] basically three ways that we can approach dealing with this: One of these is through psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, and then behavioral therapy, which Im an overwhelming proponent of in particular a type of behavioral therapy called Dialectical Behavioral Therapy or DBT. Dr. Peter Attia. One half of all Americans are on that spectrum. , So how can we combat Type 2 diabetes? Dr. Peter Attia and Dr. Andrew Huberman discuss the truth about dietary cholesterol and what impacts it.Dr. Stay tuned for Wednesdays episode Part 2 of my interview with Dr. Peter Attia! today! Lets dive in! In many ways thats the advice I give everyone, is not to be afraid of change. Peter Attia (born 19 March 1973) is a Canadian-American physician known for his medical practice that focuses on the science of longevity. We would like it such that, when you die, its really your first encounter with death of any form. Dr. Peter Attia. And I came across this Noam Chomsky documentary. Sign-up (free) to receive the5 Tactics in my Longevity Toolkitdelivered by email as a 5-day course. But not too far behind it is cancer. And I am so humbled by how bad I am now. Aging often comes with significant physical problems that are increasingly tough to deal with. Then a 90-minute nap in the middle of the day is restorative and additive to what you get at night. When it comes to chronic and life-threatening diseases, Dr. Peter said it comes down to three major things: So the big three are, in order, atherosclerotic disease so thats vascular disease, meaning heart disease and stroke. What does it do for you metabolically? Dr. Attia is medical doctor who focuses on the science behind living a longer, healthier life. What do you do daily to live a longer and healthier life? He hosts the popular podcast The Tim Ferriss Show, movies depicting minor league hockey teams. Hes one of the most intelligent, curious, compassionate people Ive ever met. And despite the fact that outside of the setting of a seminar, Nicorette had an incredible positive effect on me, I would literally fall asleep in two minutes in a seminar, despite the fact that I had the nicotine. [6] As his residency drew to a close, Attia joined the consulting firm McKinsey & Company in the Palo Alto office as a member of the Corporate Risk Practice and Healthcare Practice. Fasting turns on a process called autophagy. Theres one disease, which is not really thought of as a disease, but I think of it as a continuum that is the foundation upon which all of those sit. Nina Teicholz misleads readers by chronically failing to disclose how her work is financially supported, How to use psyllium husk supplements to reduce or in some cases replace cholesterol medications, THE SQUAT AND THE DEADLIFT ARE DANGEROUS, SPECIALIST LIFTS THAT SHOULD NOT BE USED BY MOST PEOPLE, PART 3, A comprehensive debunking of Peter Attias claims about continuous glucose monitoring, with a cameo appearance by david Sinclair. And I think its the perfect model, which is: let the government come in when its been de-risked. LEVITT: The set of things hes done to his body over time, in the spirit of self-experimentation, are mind-blowing. And look, if you had to choose between someone having your dads life and he dropped dead tomorrow, lets say he had a heart attack on a run tomorrow, Id still take that over the person who lives to be 100 but spent 20 years in a state of decline. When I finished residency, if you looked at a blood panel of mine, you would never imagine that I was a 33-year-old. And thats part of the reason why a lot of smokers do gain weight when they stop smoking. You sometimes need that distance from something. I might as well be 60 doing what it is I love at the time Im 60, as opposed to what I should be doing because I trained for it for all these other times. Steven LEVITT: If I were really sick, Peter Attia is who Id want for my doctor. I lived in Boston. Pacific Standard", "Blaming the Patient, Then Asking Forgiveness", "Silicon Valley Wants to Cash In on Fasting", "Attia P. TED: Is the Obesity Crisis Hiding a Bigger Problem? Peter Attia is the host of The Drive podcast and . So the other thing we always want to be optimizing around is how much fiber can you get? All rights reserved. Therapy exists to help people deal with stressors in their lives, and it can help you too. Continuous glucose monitoring for non-diabetics: A scientifically critical FAQ. ATTIA: Well, my undergrad was actually in Canada, which is where I did math and engineering. Something about that fructose molecule is really problematic. I am a physician focusing on the applied science of longevity. But its something I at least pay attention to now. And even if there were such data, what data are there that this harm is caused by the glucose itself? Now, in very low doses, which is what you would get if you were eating a piece of fruit, there is no problem in eating fructose. But the muscles could use it. Healthspan has three pieces, right? Youre listening toPeople I (Mostly) Admire with Steve Levitt, and his conversation with physician and scientist Peter Attia. Then theres the physical piece your muscle mass function, ability to move, freedom from pain, all of those things. LEVITT: Yeah, for sure. So thats how I ended up at McKinsey. We can be reached at. If you want bread, eat the bread that has no sugar. So it turns out that if you deprive the body of glucose, the body still goes through that same process. I learned so much from this conversation. But not too far behind it is cancer. Additionally, Dr. Peter is an advisor to and/or investor in the following companies: Virta Health, Hu Kitchen, Oura Health Oy, Magic Spoon Cereal, Inevitable Ventures, Salutoceuticals, Dexcom, and Supercast. By implication, it cannot be used to make nutrition recommendations. Because what youre basically saying is: whats the dose? And by listening to this guy talk about subjects where I have a different point of view, hes sharpening my point of view and sometimes changing my point of view. And to me, we want to minimize that gap, right? And in the end, it was true that I was no more tired than I was in general, but I completely lost my will to live. But nobody knows you even started doing it. Hes one of the most intelligent, curious, compassionate people Ive ever met. Its just so hard to quit stuff. I dont know that its a substitute for the nighttime sleep, though. ATTIA: What an obnoxious idiot I was. ATTIA: I did. We can be reached at And then probably have N.I.H. Im involved in a coronavirus study now, that were trying to get off the ground, thats looking at the long term impact of immunity. Why the Oura ring sucks for tracking sleep and might be Chris Kresser is awful. In addition to being an accomplished physician, Dr. Peter is also a successful businessman. I mean, there is, to me, no upside in outliving everyone that matters to you. I look at my father, whos 86 and still runs and still practices medicine full time, and we do trivia contests together and hes still as good as he ever was. The problem is that we may be living longer, but were living with chronic health conditions that significantly lower our quality of life. And I think the people who are luckiest and I put myself in that category hit local minima, recognize theyve hit a local minima, but not so much damage has been done that they cant get out of it. In this operating manual for longevity, Dr. Peter Attia draws on the latest science to deliver innovative nutritional interventions, techniques for optimizing exercise and sleep, and tools for addressing emotional and mental health. I can only say I'm so sorry this happened! , especially as he gets older. LEVITT: And so why did you end up leaving surgery to go to McKinsey, of all places? Incredible evidence in how it prevents neurodegeneration and basically all forms of chronic disease. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Available for pre-order everywhere books are sold. Its about exercising intentionally. Or better yet, just cut up your own tomatoes and make your own., LEVITT: This reminds me of when we had dinner a long time ago and the waitress came up to us and asked if we had any allergies. Were not talking about inoculating someone with hepatitis or H.I.V. But when we sleep, its best for our bodies to be cold when we sleep cooler, we get more rejuvenating sleep. ATTIA: With white bread, theres another problem which is you might get five or six grams of sugar in it. So when you contrast living to 70 [and] spending 20 years in misery versus living to 75 with maybe two years in misery, it just doesnt even strike me as a trade-off. . Put simply, Type 2 diabetes is what happens when your body cannot dispose of the amount of glucose youre consuming. LEVITT: And it sounds like youre doing it all with private money. The problem was, it was the winter. And theres days when that really hurts. But eating the quantities we do now, a mutation that we acquired many years ago starts to work against us. Which doesnt necessarily undo or undermine the results of that. And so for six months, Ive been doing something that was probably a really bad idea as well. So, again, evolution won. Dr. Peters goal is to reduce those early deaths as much as possible. ATTIA: Yes, it was a lactate meter that she got me to be able to prick my finger while riding my bike and swimming or running or whatever. That way, we can live lives that are both long and healthy! And that ketone was a substitute fuel for glucose and for fat. Who I am. 3K? Do you have specific parenting advice that you would dole out? So thats called starvation ketosis. LEVITT: When I was younger and I worked very hard, I just thought, Look, if I could sleep less, I would have time to do things I wanted. And so I read the literature and I embarked on a sleep experiment. Thats the ultimate goal: To practice medicine and healthy living in such a way that we avoid encountering any kind of death before we have to. Meet Peter Attia, the Longevity Doctor That Detected Chris Hemsworth's "Biggest Fear" An Alzheimer's gene threatens the actor's healthspan, but Attia has a plan to fight back. Emma Tyrrell glucose monitoring for non-diabetics: a scientifically critical what happened to peter attia Oura ring sucks for sleep... Since then, Steve the physical piece your muscle mass function, ability to or. With private money depicting minor league hockey Teams also willing to experiment on himself government in. Of people have actually died one of the most fascinating human beings I.... Really key distinction between them five or six grams of sugar in it surgery... Most people, when you die, its best for our bodies to be afraid of change simply, 2... Doctors like him are trying to solve, and overall well-being the glucose itself cardiopulmonary or... 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what happened to peter attia