We're sorry, but no reviews have been submitted for Hollymead Elementary. This is the percentage of students that scored at or above proficiency levels on their state reading/language arts assessment test. Student-Teacher Ratio may not be indicative of class size. Number and percentage of students participating in the Virginia Alternate Assessment Program. Do You Work at Hollymead Elementary School? or long distance movers. In some instances, schools hire teachers part time, and some teachers are hired for specialized instruction with very small class sizes. Angela Neely, Executive Director. Teacher Work Day - No School for Students, The Blue Ridge Area Food Bank Collection March 6th -12th, Superintendent Presents 2023-24 Funding Request of $257 Million That Is Closely Aligned With Divisions Strategic Plan, Ninth Annual WinterSongs Concert Returns to Live Format to Benefit Shelter for Help in Emergency, Baker-Butlers Vihaan Rastogi & Henleys Saurish Srimath Tirumala Are Spelling Bee Champions; Six Students Will Compete in Regional Bee. But I don't know much about it other than Special Education. School profile information is based on government data. Even high-performing schools can have disparities between student groups. School District The hornets will get you evil rude mean people, you can't hide from their wrath. HES Staff Directory; Hollymead Elementary School Staff Directory. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10 percent or more of the school year, regardless of reason. View alumni from Hollymead Elementary at Classmates.com. Hollymead Elementary School is a Public school that serves grade levels PK-5. Hollymead Elementary School. Craig Smith, Assistant Principal, Walton Middle School The form below lets you find Hollymead Elementary alumni info and Hollymead Elementary students. Category: Elementary (PK-05) School The principal or assistant principal must tell the student of the charges against him or her. Charlottesville schools - Hollymead Elementary School is located at 2775 Powell Creek Drive, Charlottesville VA 22911. Elementary Schoolers Proficient in Reading (district average), Elementary Schoolers Proficient in Math (district average), 2775 Powell Creek Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22911, 2740 Proffit Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911 (1 mile), 100 Woodbrook Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 (2 miles), 3201 Berkmar Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 (3 miles), 3893 Stony Point Road, Keswick, VA 22947 (4 miles), 2228 Greenbrier Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 (4 miles), 190 Lambs Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22901 (4 miles), 185 Buck Mountain Road, Earlysville, VA 22936 (4 miles), 1300 Long Street, Charlottesville, VA 22901 (5 miles), 406 14th Street NW, Charlottesville, VA 22903 (6 miles), 1000 Belmont Avenue, Charlottesville, VA 22902 (6 miles), 1645 Cherry Avenue, Charlottesville, VA 22903 (7 miles), 958 North Milton Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911 (7 miles), 508 Harris Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 (8 miles), 1757 Avon Street Extended, Charlottesville, VA 22902 (9 miles), 1610 Owensville Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 (9 miles), 105 Progress Place, Ruckersville, VA 22968 (9 miles), 3251 Morgantown Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 (10 miles), 8094 Spotswood Trail, Stanardsville, VA 22973 (13 miles), 64 Monroe Drive, Stanardsville, VA 22973 (13 miles), 500 W Baker Street, Gordonsville, VA 22942 (14 miles), 1407 Crozet Avenue, Crozet, VA 22932 (14 miles), 3901 Red Hill School Road, North Garden, VA 22959 (15 miles), 5870 Rockfish Gap Turnpike, Crozet, VA 22932 (15 miles), 2035 Spotswood Trail, Louisa, VA 23093 (19 miles), 158 Primary School Drive, Madison, VA 22727 (20 miles). Homes with this school assigned For Sale (10) For Rent (3) NEW OPEN SAT, 1-4PM Ashby Johnson, Principal The school quality indicator for academic achievement in English provides equal credit for students who pass state English tests and for non-passing students who show significant improvement. Members of Executive Leadership are listed below by department. The. Virginia students are assessed in science in grades 5 and 8 and at the end of secondary courses (Earth Science, Biology and Chemistry) as needed to meet graduation requirements. Charlottesville has a 13.4 student teacher ratio, Charlottesville has a 31.4% Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage, Public elementary school and private elementary school data obtained from the National Center for Education Statistics in the United States. Anthony Smith, Assistant Principal, Ivy Creek School For private schools this is the 2015-2016 school year. Tireese Lewis, Assistant Principal, Albemarle High School User note: Updated information for some School Quality Profile reports is not available due to the closure of schools in 2019-2020 and the continuing impact of COVID-19 on Virginia schools during the 2020-2021 school year. Catrina Sims, Assistant Principal, Baker-Butler Elementary School Jennifer Underwood, Principal A student is reported as economically disadvantaged if he or she meets any one of the following criteria: Daily attendance is critical to success in school. Jeremy Dove, Director, Math, Engineering & Science Academy (MESA) Hollymead Elementary School 2775 Powell Creek Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 ( School attendance zone shown in map) Rating : 10/ 10 Top 5% Tel: (434) 973-8301 www2.k12albemarle.org SAVE SCHOOL Hollymead Elementary School serves 349 students in grades Prekindergarten-5. She is just soooo loved it makes me tear up whenever we pop in and see the support that surrounds her. For more information, please contact Lisa Molinaro, ACPS Preschool Lead Coach, at lisamo@k12albemarle.org or 434-296-5820 ext. The student population of Hollymead Elementary is 349 and the school serves PK-5. Too Small Too few students for evaluation. Schools Hollymead Elementary. We will send you an update approximately yearly. For Sale: Multi-Family home, $463,265, 3 Bd, 2.5 Ba, 2,241 Sqft, $207/Sqft, at 1765 Flora Ln, Charlottesville, VA 22911 Everyone cares! Trisha Moya, Assistant Principal, Greer Elementary School Many families and young professionals live in Hollymead and residents tend to . Percentage of full-time teachers who are certified, Percentage of teachers with 3 or more years experience. The, The above pie graph displays the average daily percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals who participated in the U.S. Department of Agriculture School Lunch Program. Hollymead Elementary School. 2008 LEYLAND DR. 2008 Leyland Drive, Hollymead, VA 22911. This letter informs households that school nutrition programs are available and that free and reduced-price meals are available based on income criteria. H. Gerarde Hackney, Assistant Principal See top rated Virginia elementary schools, Preschool education | JCLAM Christian school at Marikina | Michael's Hut, See Hollymead Elementary in the ranking list, Defining Race and Ethnicity Data, National Center for Education Statistics, 3rd Grade Mathematics (Albemarle County Public Schools), 3rd Grade English Reading (Albemarle County Public Schools), 4th Grade Mathematics (Albemarle County Public Schools), 4th Grade English Reading (Albemarle County Public Schools), 5th Grade Mathematics (Albemarle County Public Schools), 5th Grade Science (Albemarle County Public Schools), 5th Grade English Reading (Albemarle County Public Schools). Leilani Keys, Assistant Principal Under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, growth in reading and mathematics is a factor in identifying elementary and middle schools for improvement and increased state support. If the student denies them, he or she is given an explanation of the facts as known to the school and an opportunity to present his version of what occurred. Contact Hollymead Elementary. Stephanie Provines, Assistant Principal, Meriwether Lewis Elementary School Diversity in schools is important and will benefit the students. Category: Elementary (PK-05) School Phone: 434-973-8301 Address: 2775 Powell Creek Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911-7540 Principal: Joe McCauley Superintendent: Dr. Matthew S. Haas School Number: 10 Region: 5 Division: Albemarle County Public Schools Division Number: 2 . I feel really sorry for those people who haven't been able to go to hollymead. Brad Handrich, Assistant Principal, Murray Elementary School Staci England, Principal Practice test items representative of the content and skills included in current Standards of Learning assessments are available on the. Bullying occurs in every school. Student counts are reported by grade assignment, race, ethnicity, disability, English proficiency, and economic status. Virginias ESSA implementation plan expects that by the 2023-2024 school year, at least 70 percent of all students, and of all students in the student groups listed in this table, will be able to demonstrate grade-level proficiency by passing state mathematics tests. Please note: The contact information in our Service Directory is still in the process of being updated for the 2022-23 school year. But I'm mad at those who've insulated my school. For public schools this is the 2015-2016 school year. Hollymead Elementary's high ranking earned it eligibility to display a U.S. News Best Elementary Schools award badge. The average standard score for Hollymead Elementary is 79.889. The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 requires states to assess at least 95 percent of students in reading and mathematics in grades 3-8, and to test at least 95 percent of students in reading and mathematics at least once during their high school careers. Breakfast menus must provide one-fourth of the daily recommended levels for protein, calcium, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and calories. The teachers are amazing. Adult Education | Laura Brown | (434) 296-3872, Albemarle County Parent Resource Center | Michael Armstrong | (434) 296-5885, Artist-in-Residence Program | Ayanna Mitchell | (434) 296-5820, Assessment (Testing)| India Haun | (434) 296-5820, Attendance Areas | Renee DeVall or Rich Cieslewitz | (434) 973-5716, AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) | Jay Thomas or Katina Dudley | (434) 296-5820, Bright Stars Preschool Program (Social Services Partnership) | Lisa Molinaro| (434) 296-5820, Building Maintenance | Jeff Rohm | (434) 975-9340, Building Services| Lindsay Snoddy| (434) 975-9340, Bullying Prevention | Jesse Turner | (434) 296-5820, Bus Routes | Renee DeVall | (434) 973-5716, Business & Community Partnerships | Eric Irizarry | (434) 296-5820, Capital Project Planning(Facilities Planning) | Maya Kumazawa | (434) 296-5820, Career and Technical Education (CTE) | Meagan Maynard | (434) 296-5820, Child Nutrition Program (School Meals) | Christina Pitsenberger | (434) 295-0566, Communications | Phil Giaramita | (434) 972-4049, Community Education| Karen Waters | (434) 975-9450, Community Engagement| Daphne Keiser| (434) 296-5820, Community Messages | Jennifer Butler | (434) 260-4634, Community Usage Hotline | Pam Snyder | (434) 975-9331, Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) | Daphne Keiser | (434) 296-5820, Custodial Services | Pam Snyder | (434) 975-9340, Digital Citizenship | Kley Todd | (434) 872-4569, Differentiated Instruction, K-12 | Mindy Moran | (434) 296-5820, Division Compass Employee News Blog | Jennifer Butler | (434) 260-4634, Donations | Jackson Zimmermann | (434) 296-5829, Driver Education | Karen Waters| (434) 975-9450, Early Childhood Special Education | Kevin Kirst | (434) 296-5885, Electronic School Notification System (ESNS) - Enrollment & Permissions | Mark Leach | (434) 872-4569, Elementary Education (PK-5) | Michele Castner | (434) 296-5820, Employment | Human Resources | (434) 296-5827, Environmental Management | Lindsay Snoddy | (434) 975-9340, Equity Education | Ayanna Mitchell | (434) 296-5820, Extended Day Enrichment Programs (EDEP) | Kelvin Reid | (434) 296-5840, Facility Rental | Kimberly Rhodes | (434) 975-9340, Families in Crisis Program | Laura Brown | (434) 296-3872, Family Life Education | Katina Dudley | (434) 296-5820, Family Support Program (Social Services Partnership) | Contact your childs school and ask to speak to the Family Support Worker, or call the Albemarle County Department of Social Services at (434) 972-4010 and ask to speak to the Family Support Program Supervisor, Fine Arts Education | Dama Schneider | (434) 296-5820, Fiscal Services: Budget & Planning| Maya Kumazawa | (434) 296-5829, Fiscal Services: School Finance| Jackson Zimmermann | (434) 296-5829, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests | Phil Giaramita | (434) 972-4049, Gold Card Club | Tanisha Thompson | (434) 296-5820, Grant Opportunities | Helen Dunn | (434) 975-9452, Grants Management (Finance) | Jackson Zimmermann | (434) 296-5829, Head Start Preschool Program (MACAA Partnership) | Lisa Molinaro | (434) 296-5820, Health Education | Katina Dudley | (434) 296-5820, High School Summer Program | Meagan Maynard | (434) 296-5820, History & Social Sciences Education (Social Studies) | Neeley Minton| (434) 296-5820, Homeless Education | Laura Brown | (434) 296-3872, Homeschool | Lauren MacLean | (434) 296-6517, Human Resources | Dan Redding | (434) 296-5827, International & ESOL Welcome Center | Lauren MacLean | (434) 296-6517, Language Arts Education | Andrea Blount (K-5) or Kimberly Gibson (6-12) | (434) 296-5820, Learning Technology (Learning Technology Integrators) | Kley Todd | (434) 872-4569, Math Education | Ashley Roberts | (434) 296-5820, Media Relations | Phil Giaramita | (434) 972-4049, Media Services (Albemarle Resource Center, Learning Resources, and Digital Databases) | Debbie Bush | (434) 972-4021, Mental Health and Wellness | Miles Nelson | (434) 296-5820, Migrant Education | Laura Brown | (434) 296-3872, Motorcycle Safety | Karen Waters | (434) 975-9450, Nondiscrimination Policy Compliance - Employees | Dan Redding | (434) 296-5827, Nondiscrimination Policy Compliance - Students | Kevin Kirst | (434) 296-5885, Open Doors | Karen Waters | (434) 975-9450, Physical Education | Jay Thomas | (434) 296-5820, Preschool | Lisa Molinaro | (434) 296-5820, Professional Development| Megan Wood or Lauren Price | (434) 296-5820, Program Evaluation | Jamie Gellner | (434) 296-5820, Research and Survey Requests | Chris Gilman | (434) 296-5820, Response to Intervention (RTI) | Craig Dommer | (434) 296-5820, Safety & Security | Jesse Turner | (434) 296-5820, School Board Information | Jennifer Johnston | (434) 972-4055, School Counseling | Jay Thomas or Miles Nelson | (434) 296-5820, School Finance | Jackson Zimmermann | (434) 296-5820, School Health Services | Eileen Gomez | (434) 296-5820, School Meals | Christina Pitsenberger | (434) 295-0566, School Naming Review | Karen Waters | (434) 975-9450, School Schedule Hotline | Jennifer Butler | 434-296-5886 (English) or 434-975-9332 (Spanish), School Technology Support (Technology Support Specialists) | Peter Small | (434) 872-4569, School-Based Intervention Teams | Craig Dommer| (434) 296-5820, Science Education | Katina Dudley | (434) 296-5820, Secondary Education (6-12) | Jay Thomas | (434) 296-5820, Social Media | Lauren Hunt | (434) 296-5820, Special Education | Kevin Kirst | (434) 296-5885, Strategic Planning | Patrick McLaughlin | (434) 296-5820, Student Discipline | Jesse Turner | (434) 296-5820, Student Registration | Tanisha Thompson | (434) 296-5820, Superintendent's Advisory Bulletin (SAB) | Jennifer Butler | (434) 260-4634, Superintendent's Office | Christine Thompson | (434) 296-5826, Talent Development (formerly Gifted Education) | Mindy Moran | (434) 296-5820, Technology - Enterprise Applications | Mark Leach | (434) 872-4569, Technology - Infrastructure & Support Services | Robert Rejonis | (434) 872-4569, Technology Support | Service Desk | (434) 975-9444, Transportation Services | Charmane White | (434) 973-5716, Virtual Learning| Meagan Maynard | (434) 296-5820, Volunteer Opportunities | Eric Irizarry | (434) 296-5820, Website Services | Lauren Hunt | (434) 296-5820, Work-Based Learning & Internships | Amber Roberts| (434) 296-5820, World Languages | Lauren MacLean | (434) 296-6517, Anti-Racism Policy Evaluation Report 2020-21, Anti-Racism Policy Orientation Completion Directory, Holiday Schedule for 12-Month Employees, 2022-23, Archive: ACPS COVID-19 Dashboard, 2021-22, Archive: ACPS COVID-19 Dashboard, 2020-21, How the Framework for Quality Learning is Organized, A System Model for High-Quality Teaching and Learning, Curriculum Mapping for Concept-Centered Learning, Assessment Analysis, Communication, and Feedback, Other Teacher Decisions When Planning for Learning, Transgender and Gender-Expansive Student Policy, Instructional Areas: Hazardous Chemicals Clean-out, Division Compass: ACPS Employee News Blog, Employee Resources (Employees Click Here: Login Required), Homeless Education Regulations & Policies, Family, Community, and School Partnerships, External & Virtual Professional Development, Professional Development Reimbursement Program (PDRP), Professional Resources for Current Projects, Course & Conference Reimbursements (PDRP), COVID-19 and Face Masks for Secondary Students, Information on Face Masks for Elementary Students, Keeping Children Healthy During the Stay-At-Home Order, Return to School: School Health Services Procedures, Strategic Planning, Accountability & Research, and Program Evaluation, Strategic Planning, Accountability & Research, and Program Evaluation - Home, Internal Staff Resources - Login Required, Homebound-Homebased Services for Families, Military Families: Planning Your Arrival to Albemarle County Public Schools, Military Families: Preparing Your Move From Albemarle County Public Schools, Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children, Special Needs Navigation and Parental Rights, Health, Physical Education & Driver Education. 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hollymead elementary school directory